The role of a BAUN trustee
The purpose of the BAUN Executive is to be the decision making body that guides the strategic direction of BAUN. At all times the Trustees are mindful to ensure that the interests and opinions of the membership influence decisions taken and affirm that the sole reason for the existence of Executive is to support and represent the membership.
The constitution (Memorandum and Articles of Association) is the key document that influences the actions of the Executive and details the aims and objectives of BAUN.
BAUN Executive
The BAUN Executive is composed of 11 full members who have been elected by those members of the Association eligible to vote. It is a stated aim of the Association that representation from all four countries within Great Britain is reflected within the Exeuctive. Within the Executive there are three Trustee positions; President, Secretary and Treasurer. All members of the Executive are eligible to stand for appointment to any one of the Officer positions when such a vacancy arises. The election of Trustee members to an officers position is carried out within the Executive.
Not-with-standing the roles of Officers, all Trustee members hold corporate responsibility and decisions of BAUN Executive are shared, accepted and owned by all Trustee members. All discussions within BAUN Exec are treated confidentially and then communicated to the membership as and when appropriate.
Term of office for BAUN Trustees
As outlined in the Constitution the term of office of all Executive members is three years, after which they may stand again and seek re-election from the membership for a further period of three years. Should members serve for a six year period they must stand down for a three year period before standing for election again.
What’s required to become a BAUN Trustee?
Any member wishing to stand for election to BAUN Executive must obtain the support of his/her appropriate local manager. In all instances Trustees must sign a declaration agreeing to be available for the elected term of office. Employers should be provided with a copy of this agreement.
As a minimum, six days per year are required to attend Trustee meetings. Further, up to four days may be required to attend sub-committee meetings and three days will be required to attend BAUN Conference. In order to ensure that BAUN is represented in other arenas, some time may be required in this regard. Trustees also need to ensure that they are able to devote sufficient time to prepare for Trustee meetings.
In order to carry out the work of the BAUN Executive, it’s vital that Trustees have the following attributes:
- Be able to work within a team for the benefit for the Association
- Be committed to the concept of multidisciplinary working
- Be committed to playing their part in the formulation and review of the strategic aims and objectives of the Association
- Be committed to working alone and within sub-committees
- Have access to email and computer facilities as a normal course of their daily working arrangements
- Be easily contactable by telephone for BAUN business
- Be prepared to represent BAUN when reasonably required to do so
- Have an active interest in the financial standing of the Association
- Have an active interest in post registration education
As a limited charitable company BAUN is obliged to meet all legal requirements under the Charity Act and the Companies Act and accordingly, trustees are only able to receive an honorarium for serving a term of office if this is authorised by the Charity Commission.
However, all legitimate expenses shall be met for work carried out by members on Association business in line with the standard operating procedure for expenses outlined in the document SOP – Expenses. Trustees are required to keep expenses to a minimum.