Board & Trustees
Our Board of Trustees is responsible for shaping the strategy and direction of British Association of Urological Nurses (BAUN). We meet regularly to ensure our policies and strategies help us be there for professionals within urology medicine.
Sarah Hillery
I love helping people to understand why their body is functioning the way it is and give support and reassurance that they are not alone
Emma Chappel
Some of the roles Emma undertakes include prepping and running the local and specialist MDT, running nurse-led new diagnosis clinics, performing diagnostic cystoscopies
Kelly Leonard
Kelly believes that through education and research real change can happen, empowering patients and colleagues alike who commit so much time to helping
Tina Gehring
I’m a non-medical prescriber - my area of practice is mainly in benign urology running clinics within Men’s Health
Pauline Bagnall
Everything I do is for the benefit of patients. I love that there are so many career opportunities for nurses in urology compared to other specialities
Anthony Shanahan
The variety of patients I see and support I provide makes excellent job satisfaction for me and keeps my passion for urology burning fiercely
Adele Brodie
This is an honour to be part of a small team of like-minded professionals who are championing the way forward in the development of urological nursing practice
Leann McLaughlin
Urology has been such a rewarding career choice and I couldn’t have imagined the fabulous opportunities within it.
Carmen Hayes
I love the diversity of urology, when talking to people I like to hear about all our different roles and what they entail - I am still learning every single day
Kelly Kusinski
There is always something different and new going on in the field of urology, time never stands still
Debbie Victor
I take great pleasure in helping patients understand their treatments, helping with decision making, being there as a source of support and information
Lizzy Rowland
I hope that I will be an inspiration to other urology nurses to show that it is possible to build a career that you love